Coke Zero vs Diet Coke: The Shocking Difference You Don’t Know About

We could debate till we're blue in face about whether Diet Coke and Coke Zero taste alike. At first sight (or drink?) it's hard to distinguish the two popular drinks in the same way.

In an announcement on its website, The brand compares the two fizzy drinks up against each other: "Both drinks are sugar-free and calorie-free. Coca-Cola Zero Sugar looks and is more similar to Coca-Cola Classic, while Diet Coke is a distinct blend of flavors that give it a light flavor."

The data suggests the fact that even with all these years regular Coke is the most popular soft drink than Pepsi as well as Diet Coke, which holds the third position.

The main distinction between Coke's diet and Zeroes is that it's one chemical.

Although Zero Sugar features sodium citrate in its list of ingredients, Diet Coke contains citric acid.

Diet Coke was Coca-Cola's first sugar-free soda and was introduced in 1983.

The next drink that was sugar-free they made available, Coca-Cola Zero, didn't arrive until the year 2006. The drink was taken off the shelves in 2016 and then reintroduced under its new title Coca-Cola Zero Sugar.

Diet Coke's nutritional info includes 0 Calories 40mg sodium, 0g fat, and 0g Total Carbs. 0,5g Protein.
Coca-Cola Zero's nutritional info is 0 Calories 40mg sodium, 0g fat, and 0g Total Carbs. 0,5g Protein.
Also, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar also reads as follows: 0 Calories and 40mg of Sodium, 0g Fat, and 0g Total Carbs. 0,5g of Protein.

Although each contains caffeine, the amount differs:

Regular Coke 9.7 mg/100ml

Diet Coke 12.8 mg/100ml

Coke Zero 9.6mg/100ml

As you can see, the amount of coke zero vs diet coke caffeine found in Coke Zero is almost identical to that in Regular and the levels more pronounced when you drink Diet Coke. The real fact that Coke Zero and regular Coke contain the same amount of caffeine is the reason for their similar taste.

Both are free of Kilojoules (calories) and are sugar-free. Each is artificially sweetened by (the identical quantity) of aspartame, and acesulfame K, and thus has the same sweetness.

Although each of coke zero vs diet coke difference is advertised as more healthy options to Coke neither one is actually healthy for you.

While they don't contain sugar as one of their ingredients, however, of Diet Coke and Coke Zero encourage you to drink highly sweet drinks. That means your palate become used to the sweetness, and you will continue to search for them. Actually, studies have shown that it may result in an increase of caloric as well as sugar intake, and cause long-term weight growth. The content of phosphoric acid is also harmful, since it may cause tooth enamel to be damaged which can cause tooth erosion.

But, if you needed to choose coke zero vs diet coke nutrition facts and regular, however, we'd suggest the former would be the healthier option. Be aware that "healthier" does not mean "healthy".

If you asked us what we believe the most effective drink is? It's water. Hands down.